About the journal
Introduction the bulletin
Comparative bulletin of Dadpishgan, with the official permission of the ministry of culture
and Islamic guidance and a highly specialized team of research professors and creative and
elite researcher from prestigious universities has collected which always pursues its main
goal and mission to present fruitful research articles and publish their latest scientific findings
in various fields of law and try to investigate the fields and deep and ignored angles of the
law of the country. On the other hand, the other editors of this journal have always been
trying to maintain and continuously improve the scientific aspect of the monthly journal
through accurate and specialized judgments and adherence to important restrictions. This
monthly journal is ready to receive and review scientific articles in the field of contracts and
obligations law, "international law", law of commercial documents and contracts",
"international trade and economic law", "criminal and criminology law " - new legal trends"
of jurisprudence and law" and public law and for easy and universal access to the latest legal
findings of scientific-research rejection approach, this journal has been established as an
open-access journal and comparative bulletin of Dadpishgan is published online. This
magazine is an electronic magazine that is published in persian along with an english abstract
with open access. This publication is subject to the CC BY-NC: 4 open access policy.
According to this license, the use of the contents of the bulletin (without commercial
purposes) is allowed by mentioning the source and observing the rules of copyright.
Open Access Article
1 - Effects of granting a grace period to the debtor by the court
Mansoura Godarzi zohreh farrokhiIssue 8 , Vol. 8 , Spring 2024 -
Open Access Article
2 - Sports law of children with a view on domestic laws, documents and international treaties
ahmad mohammadvaliIssue 8 , Vol. 8 , Spring 2024
Open Access Article
1 - Critical Study of Gradual criminal liability of juveniles in discretionary offenses (review of the French legal system
mohammad saeeid shafieiIssue 1 , Vol. 1 , Autumn 2018 -
Open Access Article
2 - Principles of State Civil Liability for Environmental Pollution
Sayed Ahmad Asgari ArjnkyIssue 1 , Vol. 1 , Autumn 2018 -
Open Access Article
3 - Study procedure Tolerance of thoughts and behavior Based on Islamic teachings
mohammad saeeid shafiei shirin shafieiIssue 1 , Vol. 1 , Autumn 2018 -
Open Access Article
4 - study the principles and foundations of competition law based on the legal laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran
mohammad saeeid shafiei hamid samadifard shirin shafieiIssue 2 , Vol. 2 , Autumn 2018 -
Open Access Article
5 - Legal aspects of network marketing (MLM)in iran with pyramid schemes in comparison with America Federal Trade
hamid samadifard farshid teyebiIssue 1 , Vol. 1 , Autumn 2018 -
Open Access Article
6 - Comparative Study of Copyright in Iran and France Legal System
Sayed Ahmad Asgari ArjnkyIssue 1 , Vol. 1 , Autumn 2018 -
Open Access Article
7 - The principle of freedom of contract in dealing with its limitations
elham ahmadi baniIssue 2 , Vol. 2 , Autumn 2018 -
Open Access Article
8 - A comparatives study of Unfair comptetion in iranin law with shiit jurisprudence and the paris convention
mohammad reza habibi mehr hamid samadifardIssue 1 , Vol. 1 , Autumn 2018 -
Open Access Article
9 - The effect of the bill in contracts in iranin law with comparatives the Shiite jurisprudence and Common law rights
mohammad reza habibi mehr rohangiz mohammadi moghanliIssue 1 , Vol. 1 , Autumn 2018 -
Open Access Article
10 - Right to health in the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran
SaSaman Allallahveysi ali gorji aznadreyaniIssue 2 , Vol. 2 , Autumn 2018