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    Comparative journal of Dadpishgan ( Scientific )
  • OpenAccess
  • About the journal

    Introduction the bulletin
    Comparative bulletin of Dadpishgan, with the official permission of the ministry of culture
    and Islamic guidance and a highly specialized team of research professors and creative and
    elite researcher from prestigious universities has collected
    which always pursues its main
    goal and mission to present fruitful research articles and publish their latest scientific findings

    in various fields of law and try to investigate the fields and deep and ignored angles of the

    law of the country.
    On the other hand, the other editors of this journal have always been
    trying to maintain and continuously improve the scientific aspect of the
    monthly journal
    through accurate and specialized judgments and adherence to important restrictions.
    monthly journal
    is ready to receive and review scientific articles in the field of contracts and
    law, "international law", law of commercial documents and contracts",
    "international trade
    and economic law", "criminal and criminology law " - new legal trends"
    jurisprudence and law" and public law and for easy and universal access to the latest legal
    indings of scientific-research rejection approach, this journal has been established as an
    -access journal and comparative bulletin of Dadpishgan is published online. This
    magazine is an electronic magazine that is published in
    persian along with an english abstract
    with open access. This publication is subject to the CC BY
    -NC: 4 open access policy.
    According to this license, the use of the content
    s of the bulletin (without commercial
    purposes) is allowed by mentioning the source and observing the rules of copyright.

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  • Affiliated to
    Executive Manager
    English Editor
    Print ISSN: ۲۶۴۵-۵۷۶۵
    Online ISSN:۲۶۴۵-۵۷۶۵

    Publication period: Quarterly
    Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad- Dehdasht- Street of Imam Khomeini Street- above Mellat Bank
    Postal Code


    Indexed in


    Number of Volumes 8
    Number of Issues 9
    Printed Articles 35
    Number of Authors 107
    Article Views 175321
    Article Downloads 26478
    Number of Submitted Articles 94
    Acceptance 90 %
    Time to Accept(day) 56
    Last Update 10/22/2024